• What forms to I need to complete prior to camp?

    Our Registration Forms are done via DocuSign. It must be completed 30 days prior to arrival, along with the Health Clearance pages signed by a Doctor.

  • How do you asses skill level and how are campers grouped?

    Prior to the camp, our Directors create the groups based on UTR level. Once on campus on Monday morning, the coaches will feed balls for 10 – 15 min to ensure that each group has players of the same ability level. 

  • Can my child request a specific coach for his “Developmental” lesson?

    Yes, your child can request a specific coach. There are only three developmental rotations per day so it also depends on availability.

  • What is the contingency plan for rain?

    If weather prohibits playing tennis, we will move around the schedule and start with indoor programs such as Mental Conditioning, Fitness and Video Analysis then we will get back on court. Florida weather tends to move quickly so we work with the coaching staff to dry the courts quickly and be ready to play when the courts are safe again.

  • What is the ratio coach/players per court during the group lessons?

    Up to 4 players to one coach on court.

  • What makes the Evert Tennis Academy unique amongst other academies in the industry?

    The Evert Tennis Academy is different by design. Most notably, it is smaller, more intimate, and offers a family environment. Our program is designed to take an individualized approach to helping each student-athlete achieve his/her goals. This is accomplished through small student/coach ratios (4:1 or less) along with the attitude that coaching should be a cooperative effort. All of our full time high-performance coaches and directors also work with our campers and short-time players.

  • What should my child bring to camp?

    All campers MUST bring: Twin sheets, a pillowcase, 2 – 4 bath towels. Campers cannot be assigned a room without these items due to any number of sanitary reasons. Campers MUST also bring Face mask(s), Personal Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes to last the duration of the camp stay. All campers SHOULD bring: 8 – 10 pairs of shorts/skirts, 8 – 10 pairs of socks, 8 – 10 shirts/tops,1 long sleeve top/jacket, 2 – 4 sets of every day casual clothes, personal toiletries, laundry bag, running shoes, sports sandals, sunscreen/lotion.

  • How much spending money will my child need?

    Every child / family is different. Basic spending money for recreational activities including trip to grocery store and ordering take out food is recommended to be $125.00 – $150.00 per week

  • What are the housing facilities like at ETA?

    ETA has two dormitory buildings. One houses boys and one houses girls. Dorm rooms are set up with bunk beds, desks, and wardrobes as well as a small refrigerator. Each room houses 4 campers. Each room is connected to another room with a common bathroom used by campers of both rooms. 

  • How are campers assigned to rooms?

    Campers are assigned to rooms based on age as well as specific roommate requests when possible.

  • What happens if a camper gets sick or needs regular medications?

    The Student Services Staff will distribute and document all pre-approved prescription medications to campers. OTC medications, as needed, are also distributed and document by Student Services Staff. Should a camper become ill and require services of health professional parents are updated and campers are taken locally to a general practitioner physician for diagnosis and follow up.

  • What is camp food like?

    ETA serves a balance of meal options designed to provide campers with the energy and nutrition they need to participate in the tennis and fitness program. Breakfast , lunch and dinner are served in the cafeteria. In addition to hot options a well stocked salad bar and soup/sandwich option are always available at lunch and dinner. Breakfast offers both hot and cold options.

  • Can campers have snacks in their rooms?

    Yes campers can have their own snacks in their rooms as long as they are diligent about cleaning up after themselves. Once per camp week campers are taken to the local grocery store where they can stock up on personal snacks for the week. Each dorm room has a small refrigerator for the campers use. 

  • Should a camper attend with a friend? Can my child request a roommate?

    Most campers come to camp by themselves and quickly make new friends – it’s one of the best parts about camp! However; some campers like to come with a friend and that’s great too! When attending camp with a friend they can be housed together as long as they are of similar age and gender. Roommate requests must be mutual. Please refer to the registration forms and put the requested roommate’s name under the Program section on page 4.

  • Where do ETA Summer Campers come from?

    Our campers come from all over the world. The majority typically come from around the U.S. But we do have a diverse population of campers representing numerous international locations.

  • What kind of activities are offered during Camp Weeks? Can campers choose which one he or she wants to participate?

    Yes, campers can participate in any of the social activities offered at camp. We have a full weekly schedule of options is listed at the beginning of each camp week. A system is in place for campers to sign up for the activities they choose. Off campus and on campus activities are offered nightly. Activities typically begin at 6 pm each night and at 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday.

  • How is laundry handled?

    ETA has an app-based laundry service facility on site. Campers are required to do laundry several times per week. Student Services Staff is always available to assist campers with this task. A Credit Card number is required to add funds to the App.

  • What is the cell phone policy at camp?

    Campers are allowed to have cell phones at camp but are not allowed use of the cell phones during the day during program hours. Campers must also adhere to nightly curfews and are not permitted to be on cell phones after curfew.

  • What is the technology policy at ETA?

    ETA provides basic wireless internet access to campers. This access allows only for e-mail access, basic web browsing, access to skype and limited social media sites.  Internet access is fully blocked from anything else. 

  • What kind of supervision is provided at ETA?

    The Student Services Department oversees and supervises the campers 24 hours per day. Campers have staff supervision on campus as well as at all off campus outings. Camper head counts are done regularly throughout the day and night. Routine random in person room checks are also conducted several times during the day and the evening. Final head counts are done at curfew and curfews are strictly enforced.